Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting

Reporting. Our team develops and provides recurring and single reports regarding employment trends, statistics, and changes. We provide data analysis and summary reports on the various stages of employee recruit and the hiring process. These reports include the number of personnel at each stage, the average length of time required for each hiring stage, the number of veterans at each stage, the reasons for any non-selects or declinations, the number of selections versus the number of vacancy announcements and certificates issued, and the number of certificates issued and returned without a definitive employment selection. 

Records Management and Administrative Assistance. TekPro provides Records Management support operations by handling a large volume of files that require central coordination and control. We implement bar coding and other technologies to aid in tracking correspondence. All files are tracked electronically and physical copies are maintained for accountability. We also distribute, track, and assign suspense dates for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

We have conducted bulk printing, coordinated the assembly of document packages, and shipped and delivered document packets as needed. We are also skilled at typing and formatting handwritten and spoken communication.

TekPro Services
1826 N Loop 1604 W, Suite 350G
San Antonio, TX
(210) 454-2080

A Bristol Bay Native Corporation Company

© TekPro Services 2019 all rights reserved.